U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”), having previously identified AD/CVD evasion as priority trade issue, is ramping up its efforts to further combat AD/CVD evasion. Effective August 22, 2016, interested parties can, in addition to pursuing either a civil False Claims Act/Qui Tam Action or a criminal trade violation, now report Enforce and Protect Act (“EAPA”) violations using CBP’s e-Allegation mechanism.
Who is an Interested Party?
Interested parties qualified to use this violation reporting mechanism include:
Interested parties qualified to use this violation reporting mechanism include:
- Foreign manufacturers, producers, exporters, or importers of covered merchandise or a trade or business association a majority of the members of which are producers, exporters, or importers of such merchandise
- Manufacturers, producers, exporters, or importers in the U.S. of a domestic like product
- A certified union or recognized union group of workers that is representative of an industry engaged in the manufacture, production or wholesale of a domestic like product in the U.S.
- A trade or business association a majority of the members of which manufacture, produce, or wholesale a domestic like product in the U.S.
- If covered merchandise is a processed agricultural product, a coalition or trade union that is representative of processors, processors and producers, or processors and growers