DTL saved clients MILLIONS of dollars in 2018, below we share some of success stories with you. We look forward to assisting you in 2019!
U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP)
- Successfully assisted numerous importers in various seizure cases to assist in getting property returned, despite CBP claims merchandise was drug paraphernalia, counterfeit, etc.
- DTL Petitioned CBP, leading to $755,000 worth of merchandise being returned to client after being seized by CBP.
- DTL Petitioned CBP, leading to $126,540.72 worth of merchandise being returned to client after being seized by CBP. DTL was able to prove the merchandise was in fact legitimate and filed a Petition with CBP that was responded to with a positive decision from CBP just TWO days after the Petition was submitted.
- DTL Petitioned CBP leading to $89,278 worth of merchandise being returned to client after being seized by CBP.
- DTL Petitioned CBP leading to $80,514 worth of merchandise being returned to client after being seized by CBP.
- DTL Petitioned CBP leading to Scooters worth $53,620 being returned to our client after being seized by CBP.
- DTL Petitioned CBP leading to $30,300 worth of merchandise being returned to client after being seized by CBP.
- DTL Petitioned CBP, leading to $24,766 worth of merchandise being returned to client after being seized by CBP.
- DTL successfully Petitioned CBP, leading to $18,281.25 worth of jewelry being released after being seized for a failure to file EEI as required upon exportation.
- Assisted numerous importers in filing prior disclosures that were accepted by CBP and/or DOC and avoiding substantial penalties.
- Assisted an importer in filing a disclosure with CBP advising of both incorrect valuation and classifications being submitted to CBP. CBP accepted the Prior Disclosure Filed by DTL with no penalties assessed!
- Assisted importers in successfully responding to CBP 28’s and 29’s resulting in close outs, and no further enforcement action by CBP!
- DTL responded to CBP's CF28 claiming that imported merchandise was subject to a AD/CVD scope and subject to a rate increase. DTL successfully convinced CBP that items were properly outside of AD/CVD scope.
- Assisted importers in creating and maintaining pre-compliance programs to evaluate intellectual property rights and pre-report merchandise to CBP resulting in expedited entry into the U.S. with no delays or examinations by CBP.
- Assisted importers in getting merchandise on CBP detention expeditiously released saving time and money!
- One day after getting involved, items including passports and other sensitive documents that were detained for over 3 weeks were RELEASED! Our client said: “I wanted to inform you that I just received the UPS mail :) Thank you again for helping us with professionalism and heart. You are a star :)”
- Successfully assisted numerous importers in keeping manifest data confidential.
- Assisted individuals in getting seized currency returned from CBP:
- DTL successfully Petitioned CBP, leading to $33,975.00 in seized currency being returned to our client.
- DTL successfully Petitioned CBP leading to $25,826 in currency being returned to client after being Seized by CBP.
- DTL successfully Petitioned CBP leading to $9,500.00 in currency being returned to client after being Seized by CBP.
- Successfully mitigated a Liquidated Damages claims down!
- DTL Petitioned CBP, leading to $161,391.36 in Liquidated Damages incurred and Demand for Payment being cancelled.
- DTL Petitioned CBP, leading to a $40,185.00 liquidated damages claim being mitigated down to $133.95.
- DTL Petitioned CBP, leading to a $10,000.00 liquidated damages claim being mitigated down to just $500.00.
- Assisted in applying for Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ 281) status for importers/exporters in Miami-Dade.
Expert Witness Services
- Provided “Expert” opinions during the course of numerous litigation cases.
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
- Assisted importers in obtaining TTB Importer/Wholesaler permits to import alcoholic beverages.
Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
- DTL successfully assisted in meeting with TSA and getting a $20,000.00 TSA penalty mitigated down to $500.00 and assisted the same company in negotiating with TSA so a second issue did NOT result in a second penalty!
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Provided pre-compliance assistance to importers of cosmetics, drugs, and medical devices into the U.S. resulting in expedited entry into the U.S. with no delays or holds by CBP or FDA.
- Assisted numerous importers in registering with the FDA as importers of medical devices.
- Acted as U.S. Agent for numerous overseas manufacturers of food products imported into the U.S. and assisted to ensure the biennial registration requirement was followed.
Customized Training Programs
DTC and DTL taught customized training programs and brought a new exclusive webinar series that is FREE to our valued clients and referral sources:
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, Dietary Supplements Labeling Do’s and Dont’s, December 11, 2018.
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, CBP’s New Forced Labor Requirements, November 27, 2018.
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, Cyber Security & CTPAT, October 9, 2018.
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, Trade Based Money Laundering, September 11, 2018.
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, CTPAT & Beyond, June 12, 2018.
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, Exporting 201, May 22, 2018.
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, Importing 201, April 10, 2018.
- Webinar, Diaz Trade Consulting, Importing 101, March 27, 2018.
- Nairobi, Kenya, OWIT International World Conference, Host, Speaker, Moderator, October 24-27, 2018.
- Fort Lauderdale, FL, FITCE, “Importing into the U.S.,” October 17, 2018.
- Nashville, TN, AWESOME CSCMP Mega Session: Global Volatility & Risk, Moderator, October 3, 2018
- Doral, FL, Africando, Top 10 Tips When Exporting, September 26, 2018
- Miami, FL, Cochran Fellows “Exporting 101 & E-Commerce Best Practices,” Florida International University, September 7, 2018
- Dallas, TX, “Updates on TFTEA,” NCBFAA, GTEC, July 30-31, 2018
- Webinar, “OWIT International Conference Update”, OWIT International, July 19, 2018.
- Webinar, “FSMA Best Practices” Moderator, OWIT International, July 17, 2018.
- Webinar, AudioEducator, Importing in Compliance with CBP, July 10, 2018.
- Miami, FL, “Exporting 101 & E-Commerce Best Practices for the Agricultural Industry,” Florida International University, June 21, 2018.
- Fort Lauderdale, FL, CSA 17th Executive Conference, Cuba Update, May 14-15, 2018.
- Palm Springs, NCBFAA Conference, CTPAT Program Changes: Cyber Security.
- Webinar, AudioEducator CLE, “U.S. FDA Requirements for Imported Food” April 25, 2018.
- Webinar, NCBFAA, Your Cheat Sheet to Comply with CBP’s Forced Labor Requirements, April 3, 2018.
- Miami FL, MyLawCLE, President Trump’s Stance on Cuba, February 28, 2018.
- Miami FL, WMX Americas, E-Commerce’s Disruption to Compliance, February 26, 2018.
- Webinar, U.S. FDA Requirements for Imported Cosmetics, Audio Educator, January 31, 2018.
- Webinar, “What Can OWIT Do For YOU?” NASBITE, January 29, 2018.
DTL would love to be your Customs and International Trade Law Expert! Contact us at info@diaztradelaw.com to schedule your consultation or customized training today.

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